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Sena & Berton Moreno - Desde 1938 - Abogados - Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial | Newsletters Marzo, 2018

In June 2019, Executive Order 242 regulated Act 2744 that modified the old Trademarks and Tradenames Act.

We share with you a comment of Dr. Gustavo A. A. Sena!

click here.

Author: Gustavo A.A. Sena
Sena & Berton Moreno en Chambers and Partners.
Sena & Berton Moreno at
Chambers and Partners

Law Firm Sena & Berton Moreno has been acknowledge for one more year as one of the most prestigious IP Law Firms in Argentina by Chambers and Partners. 

Furthermore, Gustavo A. A. Sena has been distinguished as a notable professional in this specialized practice.

Click here for more.

Author: Gustavo A.A. Sena

These Thursday, the 29th and Friday, the 30th of August, the Asociación Argentina de Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial is organizing the thirty third edition of its traditional Industrial Property Conference.

Sena & Berton Moreno is attending, learn more here.

Sena & Berton Moreno
Rivadavia 611, 5th Floor - C100AAE - City of Buenos Aires - Argentina | Tel.: (+54 11) 4331-7760 (rotative lines)   Linkedin Facebook
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